


31 bikeparks with one single ticket.

Pay once.

Enjoy all Gravity Card bikeparks with only one ticket. You don´t have to pay in the participating bikeparks anymore.

Unlimited access.

Shred as much as you want in all the Gravity Card bikeparks. A full season long!

No queue.

Straight to the gate with your Gravity Card. No queue at the ticket counter!



  • 31 bikeparks
  • key card ticket
  • Validity: 6.4. – 10.11.24

YOUTH (2005-2007)

  • 31 bikeparks
  • key card ticket
  • Validity: 6.4. – 10.11.24

KIDS (2008-2017)

  • 31 bikeparks
  • key card ticket
  • Validity: 6.4. – 10.11.24

Für mich ist die Gravity Card die ultimative Eintrittskarte in die Freiheit. Ich kann alle meine Lieblings-Bikeparks besuchen, ohne mir Gedanken über den Kauf der vielen verschiedenen Tickets machen zu müssen.

Adrian Guggemos, visit me on Instagram
For me the second best invention after the bicycle is the Gravity Card. I can shred easy and without problems in all my favourite bikeparks. I dont´t have to waste time with buying single day passes and don´t have to care about ticket prices! And: my favourite spot Sölden is included as well!
Korbinian Engstler, visit me on Instagram

Die Gravity Card bedeutet Freiheit für mich.

Die Freiheit, jeden Tag wählen zu können, in welchem ​​Bikepark ich fahren möchte – je nachdem, auf welcher Art von Strecke ich gerade trainieren oder Spaß haben möchte!

Jey Bormolini, visit me on Instagram

Die Gravity Card ist für mich mehr als nur ein Liftticket. Sie ist eine Inspiration für neue Bike-Abenteuer nicht nur innerhalb, sondern auch mal außerhalb, Österreichs!

Philipp Gatterer, visit me on Instagram

Für mich ist die Gravity Card eins der essenziellsten Werkzeuge als leidenschaftlicher Mountainbiker. Viele Bikeparks und keine Angst das sich eine Tageskarte mal nicht lohnen könnte.

Die Gravity Card ist für mich optimal, da ich an vielen unterschiedlichen Bikeparks trainieren kann und neuerdings ist sogar mein Home-Spot Lienz bei den Gravity Bikeparks mit dabei – das taugt mir richtig!

Gabriel Wibmer, visit me on Instagram

Ich liebe es zu reisen und an neuen Orten zu fahren, aber auch meine Fahrräder in einem Top-Zustand zu haben.
Mit der Gravity Card kann ich Zeit sparen indem ich den Ticketschalter überspringe.  Diese Zeit kann ich in mein Fahrrad und Training in mehr als 30 Bikeparks investieren.

Diego Caverzasi , visit me on Instagram

Ich bin dauernd unterwegs und habe mit der Gravity Card den Zutritt zu den wichtigsten Bikeparks immer mit dabei. Um Tickets brauche ich mir also keine Sorgen mehr zu machen. Außerdem gilt die Gravity Card auch in meinem Homespot Bikepark Brandnertal!

Elias Schwärzler, visit me on Instagram
For me the Gravity Card is pure freedom. I don´t make any pressure on myself for using a single day ticket to the maximum. So I can relax in my van in the morning and go for a ride when I am ready.

Die Gravity Card bietet mir die optimale Flexibilität, da ich mich nicht mehr zwischen Stunden- und Tageskarten entscheiden muss. Selbst wenn ich an einem Tag später mit dem Fahren beginne!

Dennis Schrötter, visit me on Instagram

Die Gravity Card gibt mir die Freiheit auch mal nur für einen halben Tag Trails erkunden zu können. Ich habe keinen Druck ein Tages-Ticket wieder reinfahren zu müssen. Es ist die perfekte Motivation, mehr zu entdecken und das Beste aus meinen Abenteuern zu machen.

Nikolaj Juhlsen, visit me on Instagram


What is the first possible day of use of the Gravity Card?2024-05-13T20:57:26+02:00

You can use your Gravity Card as soon as you physically have it in your hands, as this is the only way you can pass through the turnstiles. If the Gravity Card was purchased online before the start of the season, the first possible day of use is the first day of the Gravity Card’s validity period in this season.

Are there discounts when purchasing the Gravity Card?2024-01-25T14:53:11+01:00

Sorry, no discounts, concessions or group rates are offered. The price of the Gravity Card is the same for all holders.
By the way: after an average of 13 days of biking, your Gravity Card will have already paid for itself!

How is the amount of refund calculated if I am injured?2023-12-04T10:27:47+01:00

If you are injured in the week in which you purchased the card, you are entitled to 90% of the purchase price. With each additional week the refund is reduced by 10%. From the beginning of 10 weeks onwards, there is no longer any entitlement to a refund. If you bought your Gravity Card online before the season, then you have to count on the first possible day of use.

Do I really not have to pay an entrance fee in the bike parks anymore?2022-02-17T21:55:38+01:00

Exactly – that is the concept of the Gravity Card. You pay once for your Gravity Card season pass and have free access to all participating bike parks. Enjoy!

Can I also buy the Gravity Card on site?2022-02-17T21:53:51+01:00

Yes! You can of course also buy the card in any of the participating bike parks (exception: no Gravity Card sale in Bikepark Semmering)

Is my Gravity Card transferrable?2022-03-23T10:47:12+01:00

Gravity Cards are not transferable. Abuse leads to the immediate withdrawal of the card.

What happens, if i lose or forget my Gravity Card?2024-01-17T09:35:25+01:00

The loss of a Gravity Card can be reported to one of the Gravity partners by providing the blocking number (this can be found on the purchase receipt). If proof of identity is provided, the Gravity Card will be blocked and, after paying a processing fee of €25.00 + €2.00 deposit, a replacement card will be issued at the earliest 1 day after the loss is reported. All Gravity Card holders must take care of their card to avoid third parties having access to it. No replacement for forgotten Gravity Cards

Will I get a refund if I get injured?2024-03-04T09:28:19+01:00

In the event of an injury, a pro-rata refund is possible up to 9 weeks from the first possible day of use.

The refund can be processed locally at any Gravity Card sales point – regardless of where the Gravity Card was purchased. The calculation always runs up to the day on which the card is deposited in a Gravity Card bike park.

An application for a refund can also be made by post. The date of the postmark is considered the deposit date. Postal refunds can only be processed with the bike park where the Gravity Card was purchased. For tickets purchased online, the refund is processed by Hinterglemmer Bergbahnen Ges.m.b.H

Regardless of whether the refund is made by a local bike park or by post, the Gravity Card, proof of purchase and an original medical certificate must always be presented. The exact amount of the refund will be calculated when deposited by the respective sales point.

How does the Gravity Card get to me?2024-01-16T08:49:00+01:00

You will receive a Gravity Card keycard by mail. The production of the ticket and the shipping is handled by Bergbahnen Hinterglemm (hinterglemm@lift.at).

How long does it take to receive my Gravity Card?2022-06-29T13:37:31+02:00

Orders placed from Monday to Thursday will be sent by mail the next day.
Orders placed on a Friday, public holiday, bridge day or weekend will be processed the next working day.

Please note that shipping within Austria may take 3-5 business days and shipping worldwide: 7-14 business days (no mailing on weekends or holidays).
Please note that this process may take several days!
You can of course also buy the card in any of the participating bike parks (exception: no Gravity Card sale in Bikepark Semmering)


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